Saturday, June 21, 2008

Random Ramblings of the Mad BullDog....

Sitting in the classroom, the AC not really cooling me, though the weather outside is not all that bad... I am listening (but not really paying attention) to the random ramblings of a professor who loves to call himself the "BullDog". The topics could potentially be interesting, but it would be against the BullDog's ego to make us understand even a sliver of anything that he considers is "tough". BTW, did I mention, that by no stretch of imagination does he look like a bulldog, more like a chipmunk actually. You know, the ones with a hint of hair growth on the upper lip, of which they are supremely proud. But a chipmunk will always remain a chipmunk, hiding nuts and cones in the deep crevices of a tree, more of a thief than a hunter, which the "BullDog" claims to be.
Did I mention, our new batch of juniors has arrived on campus, well atleast most of it. and voila, 90% of the batch are what we call "Daddus", guys with tonnes of work experience. Some guys have very interesting profiles, including a cancer biologist, a DRDO scientist, armymen, and apparently even a 1999 batch IAS!!!!! Good God Almighty...
I feel even I have started to ramble..... rather than writing something interesting... well, atleast i didn't write anything about the Noida murders, which seems to be the national pastime these days...
Cya folks....
~~Stay beautiful~~~

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